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55-79 Mut Wah Street, Kwun Tong

On Ning Building, 55-79 Mut Wah Street, Kwun Tong
55-79 Mut Wah Street
  • 55-79 Mut Wah Street
  • 55-79 Mut Wah Street
  • 55-79 Mut Wah Street
Price: $68,000,000 @HK$80000.0 per sqft
Property type: Retail
  • 850 sqft

Listing Details

    Type Commercial
    Year Est. 1968
    Sqft 850sqft
    Status No active

    Additional Details

    • Price $68,000,000
    • Property status For Sale
    • Management Fee Enquire Price
    • Car Parking Enquire Now
    • Loading Area Enquire Now
    • Transport Enquire Now
    • Property Type Retail
    • Address On Ning Building, 55-79 Mut Wah Street, Kwun Tong
    • Cargo No
    • Raised Floor No
    • Listing Title 55-79 Mut Wah Street
    • Year Established 57

    Recent Transaction

    Reg. DateAddressPriceAreaUnit PriceSource
    Reg. DateAddressPriceAreaUnit PriceSource
    12 Jun, 2024ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING 8/F FLAT D$2,720,000305.0sq.ft$8,918Land Registry
    27 Feb, 2023ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING 4/F FLAT C$3,150,000305.0sq.ft$10,328Land Registry
    27 Feb, 2023ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING 3/F FLAT A$3,328,000316.0sq.ft$10,532Land Registry
    31 Aug, 2022ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING 11/F FLAT G$3,000,000248.0sq.ft$12,097Land Registry
    14 Jul, 2022ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING 4/F FLAT H$2,920,000248.0sq.ft$11,774Land Registry
    02 Mar, 2022ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING 5/F FLAT C$3,650,000305.0sq.ft$11,967Land Registry
    25 Feb, 2022ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING 13/F FLAT D$3,650,000305.0sq.ft$11,967Land Registry
    04 Aug, 2021ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING 3/F FLAT G$3,000,000248.0sq.ft$12,097Land Registry
    28 Sep, 2020ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING 12/F FLAT B$3,930,000305.0sq.ft$12,885Land Registry
    22 Jun, 2020ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING 8/F FLAT E$3,900,000305.0sq.ft$12,787Land Registry
    03 Oct, 2019ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING 12/F FLAT F$3,800,000316.0sq.ft$12,025Land Registry
    05 Dec, 2018ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$3,680,000305.0sq.ft$12,066Land Registry
    30 May, 2018ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$3,070,000248.0sq.ft$12,379Land Registry
    27 Apr, 2018ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$3,950,000305.0sq.ft$12,951Land Registry
    19 Jan, 2018ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$3,650,000305.0sq.ft$11,967Land Registry
    10 Aug, 2017ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$3,500,000316.0sq.ft$11,076Land Registry
    04 May, 2017ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$3,480,000305.0sq.ft$11,410Land Registry
    14 Mar, 2017ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$2,880,000248.0sq.ft$11,613Land Registry
    10 Mar, 2017ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$3,250,000305.0sq.ft$10,656Land Registry
    06 Feb, 2017ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$3,170,000305.0sq.ft$10,393Land Registry
    13 Oct, 2016ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$2,550,000248.0sq.ft$10,282Land Registry
    06 Apr, 2016ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$2,880,000305.0sq.ft$9,443Land Registry
    14 Sep, 2015ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$2,990,000316.0sq.ft$9,462Land Registry
    18 Aug, 2015ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$2,630,000248.0sq.ft$10,605Land Registry
    29 May, 2015ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$2,000,000305.0sq.ft$6,557Land Registry
    11 Dec, 2014ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$2,680,000248.0sq.ft$10,806Land Registry
    11 Nov, 2014ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$3,000,000316.0sq.ft$9,494Land Registry
    28 May, 2014ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$2,790,000305.0sq.ft$9,148Land Registry
    23 Aug, 2013ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$2,390,000248.0sq.ft$9,637Land Registry
    21 Feb, 2013ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$2,350,000305.0sq.ft$7,705Land Registry
    09 Nov, 2012ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$2,100,000248.0sq.ft$8,468Land Registry
    01 Nov, 2012ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$2,580,000316.0sq.ft$8,165Land Registry
    29 Aug, 2012ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,950,000248.0sq.ft$7,863Land Registry
    29 May, 2012ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,990,000248.0sq.ft$8,024Land Registry
    26 Mar, 2012ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$2,230,000305.0sq.ft$7,311Land Registry
    09 Nov, 2011ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,870,800316.0sq.ft$5,920Land Registry
    13 Jul, 2011ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,810,000305.0sq.ft$5,934Land Registry
    06 May, 2011ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,500,000305.0sq.ft$4,918Land Registry
    01 Feb, 2011ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$980,000248.0sq.ft$3,952Land Registry
    03 Jan, 2011ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,395,000316.0sq.ft$4,415Land Registry
    07 Sep, 2010ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,480,000305.0sq.ft$4,852Land Registry
    28 Dec, 2009ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,900,000305.0sq.ft$6,230Land Registry
    09 Dec, 2009ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,112,000248.0sq.ft$4,484Land Registry
    02 Oct, 2009ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,440,000305.0sq.ft$4,721Land Registry
    26 Aug, 2009ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,148,000248.0sq.ft$4,629Land Registry
    30 Jul, 2009ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,288,000305.0sq.ft$4,223Land Registry
    02 Jul, 2009ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,300,000305.0sq.ft$4,262Land Registry
    11 Jun, 2009ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,160,000248.0sq.ft$4,677Land Registry
    09 Apr, 2009ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,310,000316.0sq.ft$4,146Land Registry
    12 Mar, 2009ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,148,000316.0sq.ft$3,633Land Registry
    09 Jan, 2009ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,070,000305.0sq.ft$3,508Land Registry
    02 Dec, 2008ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,100,000305.0sq.ft$3,607Land Registry
    28 Jul, 2008ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,390,000305.0sq.ft$4,557Land Registry
    20 Jun, 2008ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,300,000316.0sq.ft$4,114Land Registry
    20 May, 2008ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$900,000248.0sq.ft$3,629Land Registry
    28 Jan, 2008ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,000,000305.0sq.ft$3,279Land Registry
    19 Dec, 2007ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,000,000316.0sq.ft$3,165Land Registry
    11 Dec, 2007ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,020,000305.0sq.ft$3,344Land Registry
    06 Dec, 2007ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$960,000304.0sq.ft$3,151Land Registry
    26 Nov, 2007ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$980,000248.0sq.ft$3,952Land Registry
    20 Nov, 2007ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,015,000316.0sq.ft$3,212Land Registry
    19 Nov, 2007ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$1,188,000305.0sq.ft$3,895Land Registry
    06 Jun, 2007ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$808,000248.0sq.ft$3,258Land Registry
    23 May, 2007ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$880,000248.0sq.ft$3,548Land Registry
    11 May, 2007ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$750,000305.0sq.ft$2,459Land Registry
    05 May, 2007ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$850,000248.0sq.ft$3,427Land Registry
    03 Nov, 2006ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$680,000248.0sq.ft$2,742Land Registry
    16 Oct, 2006ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$930,000248.0sq.ft$3,750Land Registry
    21 Sep, 2006ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$800,000247.0sq.ft$3,231Land Registry
    12 Sep, 2006ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$865,000316.0sq.ft$2,737Land Registry
    09 Sep, 2006ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$660,000248.0sq.ft$2,661Land Registry
    16 Aug, 2006ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$830,000316.0sq.ft$2,627Land Registry
    29 Jun, 2006ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$690,000305.0sq.ft$2,262Land Registry
    09 Jun, 2006ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$928,000305.0sq.ft$3,043Land Registry
    24 Apr, 2006ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$790,000316.0sq.ft$2,500Land Registry
    15 Feb, 2006ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$780,000305.0sq.ft$2,557Land Registry
    11 Feb, 2006ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$705,000316.0sq.ft$2,231Land Registry
    25 Oct, 2005ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$790,000248.0sq.ft$3,185Land Registry
    29 Sep, 2005ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$860,000305.0sq.ft$2,820Land Registry
    14 Sep, 2005ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$828,000305.0sq.ft$2,715Land Registry
    29 Jul, 2005ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$790,000305.0sq.ft$2,590Land Registry
    22 Jul, 2005ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$780,000305.0sq.ft$2,557Land Registry
    06 May, 2005ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$713,000248.0sq.ft$2,875Land Registry
    29 Apr, 2005ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$690,000305.0sq.ft$2,262Land Registry
    17 Jan, 2005ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$670,000248.0sq.ft$2,702Land Registry
    03 Aug, 2004ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$608,000316.0sq.ft$1,924Land Registry
    04 Jun, 2004ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$800,000305.0sq.ft$2,623Land Registry
    21 Apr, 2004ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$615,000316.0sq.ft$1,946Land Registry
    18 Mar, 2004ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$480,000248.0sq.ft$1,935Land Registry
    15 Jan, 2004ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$490,000305.0sq.ft$1,607Land Registry
    14 Oct, 2003ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$500,000305.0sq.ft$1,639Land Registry
    09 Jun, 2003ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$500,000316.0sq.ft$1,582Land Registry
    21 Mar, 2003ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$490,000316.0sq.ft$1,551Land Registry
    03 Dec, 2002ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$500,000248.0sq.ft$2,016Land Registry
    20 Aug, 2002ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$500,000305.0sq.ft$1,639Land Registry
    08 Jan, 2002ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$550,000316.0sq.ft$1,741Land Registry
    02 Aug, 2001ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$660,000305.0sq.ft$2,164Land Registry
    16 May, 2001ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$600,000248.0sq.ft$2,419Land Registry
    23 Apr, 2001ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$655,000305.0sq.ft$2,148Land Registry
    26 Mar, 2001ON NING BUILDING ON NING BUILDING$330,000248.0sq.ft$1,331Land Registry

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Where is 55-79 Mut Wah Street located?

    55-79 Mut Wah Street is located at On Ning Building, 55-79 Mut Wah Street, Kwun Tong.

    How old is the building where 55-79 Mut Wah Street is located?

    The building was established in the year 1968.

    How large is the office space at 55-79 Mut Wah Street?

    The office space at 55-79 Mut Wah Street is 850 square feet.

    Is 55-79 Mut Wah Street available for rent or sale?

    The property is currently for Sale.

    What is the price of 55-79 Mut Wah Street and the price per square foot?

    The price is $68,000,000, and the price per square foot is $80,000.

    Offices Location

    On Ning Building, 55-79 Mut Wah Street, Kwun Tong